About us

Shitoryu karatedo kenshikai kenshikan kuwait

We are Kuwait's most authentic Shitoryu karate training institute launched in Kuwait by Sensie Aneesh Joseph with membership with ISKK (International Shitoryu Karate-do Kenshikai)  which was created to offer access to authentic Shitoryu Karatedo through traditional training methods as well as cultural exchange and personal enrichment between Our Member Dojos. 

Rakoto John Sensei

羅 琴  恕 恩 

President of International Shitoryu Karatedo Kenshikai

Mizuguchi Hirofumi Sensei's "uchi deshi"

Yoshukan Kenshikai Honbu Dojo member

Technical Director of Kenshikan Honbu Dojo

Technical Director of Union Shitoryu Karatedo Kenshikai Madagascar

Shitokai Representative for Madagascar

The President and founder of ISKK is John Rakoto Sensei 7 DAN. Throughout his annual travels to Japan and regular exchanges with Kenshikai members, he had direct access to this great knowledge. As his first "gaijin" (foreigner - outside Japan) disciple, he introduced Shitoryu Karatedo in Madagascar and devoted himself to the promotion of Kenshikai in Europe, too. As a sign of loyalty and gratefulness to his master, Rakoto Sensei founded with Shihan Mizuguchi Hirofumi the organization “International Shitoryu Karatedo Kenshikai” in 2012, for the 20th anniversary of their meeting.

Sensei RAKOTO John with Shihan MIZUGUCHI Hirofumi

from 1992 till 2016

Sensie Aneesh Joseph with Rajesh Pirayarath.

Along with Sensei Aneesh Joseph, Rajesh Pirayarath, The President of Shitoryu Karate-do Kenshikai Kenshikan in Kuwait, is a prominent figure in the karate club. His leadership and dedication to the club have made a significant impact on the growth and development of the club along with Sensei Aneesh. Rajesh’s contributions continue to be a beacon of support and inspiration for the Martial Arts Club in Kuwait.

FROM ISKK’s vision of karate-do

Karatedo is not a sport. It’s an art and a way of life – BUDO. We should always keep in mind the principle of SHIN GI TAI, unity of body, mind, and spirit. Through intense practice, we can establish harmony between the heart and the body, and improve our personality. Martial values are very important to ISKK: respect, honesty, benevolence, merit, open-mindedness, and above all humility.

Karatedo is a lifetime practice. We don’t fight against our opponents. We are fighting ourselves – our weakness, our imperfections. In Shitoryu Karatedo we strive to improve our characters, to control our movements and emotions in order to become a better person. This is the meaning behind Ryuso Mabuni Kenwa's "KUN SHI NO KEN". Perfection is impossible, but we aim for excellence.

Nowadays, we live in a consumer world. People search for comfort and want to obtain things easily. We tend to forget old-age values like rewards gained through hard work or the simplicity of doing things for pleasure without waiting for external recognition. ISKK proposes an authentic way of approaching Karatedo through traditional training methods.

In Traditional Karatedo we earn our progress through the pain and sweat of hard practice. Our reward is a technique or a notion well understood and assimilated. We search for personal accomplishments, not others' acknowledgment or titles. That's why we should keep in mind the principle of SHOSHIN - practicing with the mind of a beginner, always open to correcting and improving ourselves, not only our techniques. Nothing is ever definite in Budo - there is always a way to do better, to refine and explore things we think to know already from a different aspect. In order to transform this philosophy from an abstract concept to reality, all you have to do is train, train, and train.